Know the Creeds and Councils

Know the Creeds and Councils is an accessible and relevant overview of Christianity’s most significant statements of faith. In every generation, the Christian church must interpret and restate its bedrock beliefs, answering […]

Victim Blaming and Negative Stereotypes

Social psychology research on attitudes toward sexual assault has demonstrated that individuals in our society hold many prejudices about and negative views of sexual assault victims. Thus, victims often suffer […]

Baptismal Blessing

The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby teaches about the meaning and significance of baptism in the video below. He concludes with a beautiful baptismal blessing that originated from the Church […]

Violence Against Women Is A Men’s Issue

Jackson Katz gave a TED talk on the issue of violence against women. Domestic violence and sexual abuse are often called “women’s issues.” But in his talk, Jackson points out that these are intrinsically men’s issues […]

Robert Farrar Capon (1925-2013)

Robert Farrar Capon, an Episcopal priest, died last night. I first read Capon when I was studying for my PhD at Emory.  My advisor, Walt Lowe, turned me on to […]

The Bible and Anglican Liturgy

Carl Trueman writes that in the Anglican liturgy, one finds “a structure of worship which is determined by the interface between theological truth and biblically-defined existential need.”  Trueman’s blog post […]